School Meals
The new menu from April 2024:April 2024 Menu Change.pdf
School dinners cost £11 per week (£2.20 per day) and are cooked in our own kitchen at school. Please pay for your child's school dinners via Parent Pay electronically. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal as part of the Government initiative, ‘Universal Infant Free School Meals’.
Children are able to mix and match packed lunches and school dinners e.g packed lunch Mon, Tues, dinners Weds, Thurs, Fri.
If you have any concerns or special requirements regarding your child’s diet then please let us know so we can cater for it. Our school cook and her team plan carefully to ensure a healthy, well-balanced diet is provided with plenty of choice for the children.
Please visit to view the daily menu choice.
Packed Lunch
If you do not wish your child to have a school dinner then he/she may bring a packed lunch. We also sell a packed lunch as an alternative to a hot dinner, (£2.20 per day). Please click the PDF for more information on FM's new lunchbox scheme!
For safety reasons please do not send hot drinks, fizzy drinks or drinks in glass containers. As children are not allowed to bring sweets to school we ask that you do not include these in packed lunches. Also we are a NUT FREE school, please do NOT send your child with items that contain nut e.g. Nutella.
School Milk
Children in all year groups are able to have one-third of a pint of milk a day. A charge (per term) is made for this. There is no charge for milk in Reception (until they are 5 years old) or for children who are eligible for free school meals.
If you would like your child to enjoy milk at school, you can register online at Cool Milk
Please note that you should only register if you need to pay for your child’s milk.
If you are in receipt of benefits which qualify your child for free school meals, please speak to the school office as milk may be free for your child.
Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 are provided with a piece of fruit each day as part of the Government’s healthy eating ’5 A Day’ strategy.