Class Teachers: Mrs Crowther and Mrs Webster (Mrs Johnson is currently on Maternity leave)
PE days are Mondays and Fridays. On these days the children can come to school in their PE kits. PE Kit is a red T-shirt and navy / black shorts or Plain Black /Navy Jogging bottoms and hoody in cold weather. No Logos.
Knowledge Organisers
Below are the knowledge organisers linked to what we are currently learning about.
Science- Living things and their habitats
Curriculum Autumn 2/ Spring 1-Europe
Art Spring 1- Exploring Pattern
pe fundamental movement skills ko.docx
Your child will be sent a reading book home each week based on their reading level. Please read this book with your child and return to school each day. We also encourage children to read a book of their own choosing for pleasure. Please record any additional reading in their reading records.
Children have a log in for Timestables Rockstars to help them develop their fluency in Maths. Please support your child in accessing this at least once a week. If you have lost your log in, please contact the class teacher. This is especially important this year for their Multiplication tables check. (see below)
Spelling Shed
Each week Spelling homework will be set on Spelling Shed.
Children's weekly games and activities will focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar that we have been covering in class.
Topic Homework Grid:
Here are some activities linked to your child’s topic in school which you can complete if you wish. We would love to see them in school!
Multiplication Check
In June of 2025, the children in year four will be participating in a statutory multiplication check.
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
To pass the check the children in this year group have to know their 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ,10, 11 and 12 times tables and related division facts by heart. Children will need to answer 25 questions and will be allowed 6 seconds per question so fluency is key!
We will be doing lots of work towards this in class, however practise at home will be vital. We encourage children to use a 'little and often' approach and recommend at least 3 minutes 4 times a week.
Please find below some useful links for other activities to help your child with their times tables.
- cfe2-m-027-7-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline
- cfe2-m-028-8-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline
- cfe2-m-029-9-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline
- cfe2-m-030-10-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline
- cfe2-m-034-11-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline
- cfe2-m-035-12-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline
- cfe-n-058-3-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline
- cfe-n-059-4-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline
- self-checking-3-4-and-8-times-table-game download_for_offline
- self-checking-3-4-and-8-times-table-game-instructions download_for_offline
- t-n-4582-3-times-table-speed-game download_for_offline
- t-n-4709-mixed-3-4-and-8-times-tables-dominoes download_for_offline
- cfe2-m-027-7-times-table-fortune-teller download_for_offline