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St John the Evangelist Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Reception!

Our PE day is Tuesday.  Children should come to school wearing their PE kits and trainers. Thank you.

Reminder:  All children need a book bag, which can be purchased from the uniform shop. 

Please send your child's book bag and their books to school every day.  Thank you.

Below is a copy of our current curriculum newsletter:

spring 1 curriculum newsletter.pdf


Below is a copy of our current RE knowledge organiser:

re ko spring 1 reception.pdf




reception long term plan 24 25.pdf



Weekly homework

Your child will bring home some homework each week to practise and revise what they have been doing in our Phonics lessons in school.

Tapestry login

Tapestry login information was shared at your individual parent visit in early September.  We hope you are enjoying seeing photos and videos of the exciting things we get up to!  Thank you for adding your own photos and videos too.

Please speak to the Reception team if you need any further help with this.

Maths information

We hope that the following slides will help you to understand how we teach Maths in Reception Class and why we teach this way.  We also hope to give you some ideas for ways to support your child in their maths learning at home.

23 24 maths in reception.pdf

Reading information

We shared information about reading and phonics at our 'meet the teachers' session in September.

The slides can be found in the 'Phonics and early reading' page, under the Curriculum tab.

eef home reading tips 199120801.pdf

eef home reading trust 199120801.pdf