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St John the Evangelist Catholic Primary School

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School Results & Inspection Results


2024 Results 

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2023 Results -DFE- Please click on the links below 

Keystage 2

Keystage 1


Multiplication Check




 2019 RESULTS 

Analysis and evaluation of 2018/19 outcomes for EYFS

The percentage of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development (GLD) in 2019 improved with 72.4% of pupils achieving GLD compared to 70.0% in 2018. This represents an improvement of 2.4 percentage points. The school outperformed the 2019 national average of 71.7% by 0.7 percentage points.
The average total points score in 2019 was 35.7 compared to 34.6 in 2018. This represents an improvement of 1.1 points. The school outperformed the 2019 national average of 34.5 points by 1.2 points.

In 2019 girls out performed boys by 5.2 points with girls achieving 38 points (2018 national average: 35.8 points) and boys achieving 32.8 points (2018 national average: 33.4 points). The three highest achieving ethnicity groups are White/Asian (39 points - 1 pupil in the cohort), Any other Mixed Background (38 points - 1 pupil in the cohort) and British (36.3 points - 22 pupils in the cohort). In 2019 Free School Meal eligible pupils out performed pupils who are not by 9 points with Free School Meal eligible pupils achieving 43.7 points (2018 national average: 31.5 points) and pupils not eligible achieving 34.7 points (2018 national average: 35 points). Pupils with SEN Support achieved 19.5 points (2018 national average: 26.6 points) and pupils with no specific educational need achieved 36.9 points (2018 N 35.6 points).


The percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard of phonic decoding at the end of Year 1 in 2019 improved with 86.2% achieving exp compared to 83.9% in 2018.( improvement of 2.3%). The school outperformed the 2019 national average of 82% by 4.2 percentage points.
In 2019 Pupil Premium eligible pupils out performed those who are not by 18.2 percentage points with 100% of Pupil Premium eligible pupils (2018 national average: 72%) and 81.8% of pupils not eligible (2018 national average: 85%) meeting the expected standard 50% of pupils with SEN Support (2018 national average: 48%) and 88.9% of pupils with no specific educational need (2018 national average: 89%) met the expected S.



The percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading in 2019 declined with 75.9% achieving the expected standard compared to 79.3% in 2018. The school outperformed the 2019 national average of 75% by 0.9 percentage points.


The percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in writing in 2019 was 69.0% achieving the expected standard. The school achieved below the 2019 national average of 69.3% by 0.3 percentage points.


The percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in maths in 2019 stayed the same with 75.9% achieving the expected standard compared to 75.9% in 2018. The school outperformed the 2019 national average of 75.7% by 0.2 percentage points

Reading, Writing and Maths (RWM)-KS1

The percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths in 2019 declined with 62.1% achieving the expected standard compared to 65.5% in 2018.

Key Stage 2 Progress


The progress made by pupils in reading in 2019 improved with an average progress score of 2.2 compared to 1.8 in 2018. This represents an improvement of 0.4 points.


Progress made by pupils in writing in 2019 declined with an average progress score of 0.4 compared to 1.3 in 2018. This represents a decrease of 0.9 points. The progress made by pupils is marginally higher than the 2019 national average (0).


The progress made by pupils in math’s in 2019 improved with an average progress score of 3.3 compared to 0.7 in 2018. This represents an improvement of 2.6 points. The progress made by pupils is significantly higher than the 2019 national average (0).

Reading, Writing and Maths (RWM)

The percentage of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths in 2019 improved with 79.3% achieving the expected standard compared to 61.5% in 2018. This represents an improvement of 17.8 percentage points.The school outperformed the 2019 national average of 65% by 14.3 percentage points.

Primary School Dashboard Sept 2018

Performance Headlines 2017- 2018