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St John the Evangelist Catholic Primary School

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Staff in Year 5:

Class Teacher - Mrs Willamson ( Miss Scott)

Wednesday Afternoons - Mr Fairclough


Long Term Plan 

long term plan 24 25.docx

 Knowledge Organisers

 Please take a look at our knowledge organisers below:

art ko y5 typography and maps 1 .docx


y5 creation.docx


y5 pharaoh ko 2 .docx


y5 forces ko 3 .docx



year 5 frames knowledge organiser.docx



music ko y5 aut 1.docx


knowledge organiser y5.docx



 PE days are Mondays and Fridays.  Swimming will start in February. More information will be given for this closer to the time.



Your child will be sent a reading book home each week based on their reading level. Please read this book with your child and return to school each day.  We also encourage children to read a book of their own choosing for pleasure.  Please record any additional reading in their reading records. 


Children have a log in for Timestables Rockstars to help them develop their fluency in Maths.  Please support your child in accessing this at least once a week.  If you have lost your log in, please contact the class teacher.  

Spelling Shed

Each week Spelling homework will be set on Spelling Shed.

Children's weekly games and activities will focus on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar that we have been covering in class.

Topic Homework Grid

Here are some activities linked to your child’s topic in school which you can complete if you wish.  We would love to see them in school!